Thursday 20 June 2013

Wanted to share this amazing letter my son's best friend wrote to the footy show! Fingers crossed it gets read out on Sam's mailbag tomorrow night.

Dear Sam,

we are writing to you because we feel we need to share with you the story of a very great deed, being undertaken by an extraordinary individual, which is for a ve...ry noble cause indeed. Appropriately, it is an act that draws parallels with anther great man, a man with which you yourself know only too well, and who himself is on the cusp of performing ( not for the first time) a very extraordinary act for yet another noble cause.

The man i speak of who you yourself are lucky enough to call a friend, is the great Shane Crawford. His Tour de Crawf ride from Melbourne to Perth to raise money and awareness for breast cancer is yet another example of the class, character, and selflessness of this exceptional man. We applaud his sacrifice and his courage, as it is clearly a mammoth task of endurance, mental strength and will power that is well beyond your average man.

It is for all these reasons that we we feel compelled to share the tale of our great man with you and the rest of the footy show, and wider AFL community. Our great man is one Graeme Kenny. Graeme is currently undertaking a ride that has taken him from melbourne to perth, but which will also see him continuing riding from Perth to Broome, in northern Western Australia! A task requiring unfathomable mental and physical strength, made even more extraordinary by the fact graeme is not, or never was, an elite athlete. Graeme is a 60 year old father of three, who managers a bar at a prestigious melbourne golf club for a living. ( Also a long suffering Demons supporter )

Like the great crawf, Graeme's epic journey is also in support of a very great cause, a cause close to the hearts of many Australians, a cause with which yourself Fossil are only to familiar . The cause is Prostate cancer, more specifically, the E.J Whitten foundation. We felt the need to highlight Graeme's journey to you as we know the footy Show are fantastic at throwing their weight behind great causes. At a time when one of your own is going above and beyond the call of duty to support Breast Cancer research, we felt it a great opportunity to write to gain a little extra support for this equally great cause.

We by no means want to take anything away from Crawf and the cause he is supporting, we merely feel it is only fitting we attempt to gain Graeme a little exposure for the unbelievable thing he is doing. We don't ask much, we ask that you air this letter, or at least part of it, and display the link to graeme's page to aid his own fundraising effort. We would be extremely grateful if you could do this, as any extra funds gained for this great cause would be fantastic for everyone involved, and everyone touched by this terrible disease. Such a remarkable story deserves to be heard , and we hope and trust that you Sam, and the whole Footy show family recognise how truly amazing this man and his efforts are.


Sarah Kenny and Jonny Wooster

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