Monday 15 July 2013

ABC Radio Interview

 Check out Graeme & Jarrad's ABC radio interview whilst on the road!!

Friday 12 July 2013

And the journey comes to an end..

Final celebrations last night to end the journey.
I'd like to thank all my friends and family for their support over the past few months and everyone that's been following the journey.
Special thanks to Al for doing the blog and all my members at VGC who followed my progress and to all those who donated.
Over and out.

Monday 8 July 2013

Made it to the finish line!

The epic journey is over.
Here he is arriving at Barbara's place in Broome. He is infront of a large sign we made for him.
Thankyou to everyone who has donated to his cause and all the amazing messages of support he has received along the way.
We are so proud of Graeme and Jarrad and this epic ride. 

Graeme & Jazz will now have some well earned r & r in Broome.

The dream is a reality now. It's all over. We are now at my sister's place in Bray Place Broome.
Pretty easy riding, had a big breakfast at Roebuck Plains Roadhouse, then road in to Broome with Jazz and the Men's Shed behind me for an escort.
Lovely to see my family again. Just having a celebratory beer after a pie and chips.
I'd like to thank everyone for their support over the last 2 months.
All the donations and comments are very much appreciated so thank you all!!



Sunday 7 July 2013

One more day

Second last day of riding today. Got through the 97kms fairly easily, not much wind about.

Had an evening beer with Jazz before Amanda, my sister and her friend Kevin came out to have dinner with us.

Kev cooked us a mean curry. Had to send them home early though to get to bed in preparation for tomorrow. One day left and the journey is over.

Nearly there!

After today's 100 km's they will only have 55km's to ride into Broome tomorrow!

Saturday 6 July 2013

Everyday Hero - Goal reached!

Graeme has reached his goal and raised an amazing $10,095!!  

Second last night before Broome!

Only a 60km day today. Pretty easy going. Had our last pasta on the road, very nice park. Second last night before Broome!!!

Friday 5 July 2013

Had a very nice rest day yesterday at the c/park, lots of wild life roaming around. My friend, the wind was very kind to me today. It allowed me to do 106kms very quickly, very flat, saw some Borogas dancing 200kms out of Broome!!!


Thursday 4 July 2013

Wednesday 3/7

Another tough day in the office... rode 138kms to Sandfire so that we can have a rest day tomorrow. Only got 320kms left with 4 days to do it should be at Broome on Monday. Sandfire Caravan Park is quite nice, sharing it with a Camel, a Bramen Bull and Albino Peacocks!

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Everyday Hero Update

An amazing $9,445 generously donated to support the EJ Whitten Foundation... only $555 away from the goal of $10,000!


Been smashed with headwinds the last two days. Met some more riders going from Broome to Sydney. Stayed at De Grey River last night, beautiful spot. Currently at Pardoo Roadhouse in a very full caravan park out the back. Just about to go get a counter meal.